It is reported in this week The Edge that Hedge Funds in Singapore is seeing increasing activities and is home to 138 hedge fund managers according to a recent survey by Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)
Here are some interesting finding...
- Average assets under management of single hedge fund is est US$301m. in aggregate at least US$34.9b
- No of professional employed by the 111 respondent single hedge fund is 823
- Equity Long / Short account 47% of fund
- Geographical source of investors for single strategy fund
15% America, 54% Asia, 25% Europe, 1% Middle East, 6% others
- Source of capital by investor
17% funds of funds, 38% high nett worth, 37% institution, 5% propriety and 3% other
- 12 hedge funds run from Singapore advising about US$10b in asset from city state
- All Singapore based hedge fund managers outsourcing their fund administration.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Singapore Hedge Funds Review
Posted by Winner at Sunday, October 25, 2009