Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Singapore Jobs Market

Singapor current job market is currenntly quite tight and many companies had already freeze hiring and start retrenchment early to battle this sever recession.

However our Singapore Government had introduce several measures including this popular e2i one-stop service.

e2i is a one-stop shop that provides the avenues for employability assessment and coaching, skills training and job placement for workers. Their programmes are customised to cater to a broad spectrum of workers, including retrenched workers, back-to-work women, professional managers, executives and technicians (PMETs), low-wage workers and older workers.

3 Keys Function

1) Develops partnerships with training providers
2) Reaches out to jobseekers who seek new or better jobs
3) Promotes industry re-development and job-recreation

To know more about e2i events and jobs available, do visit
their official website

e2iOfficial Site